El papel de la apoptosis en competición celular y formación de tumores


"Prof. Ginés Morata (Almeria, Spain 1945) is an expert in Developmental Biology of the fruitfly Drosophila, specialty on which he has been working for over 40 years. Over the years he has been involved in several major scientific findings, including the discovery of compartments, the phenomenon of cell competition in Drosophila, the elucidation of the structure of the Hox gene complex, the establishment of genetic subdivisions of the Drosophila body, the discovery of mitogenic signalling by apoptotic cells etc. His results have been published in some 130 research articles in scientific journals (including publications in top journals like Nature, Cell, Science, EMBO J. PNAS) and have been presented in numerous lectures in scientific meetings, universities and research institutions all over the world. He spent several years in the UK, doing postdoctoral research in the Genetics Laboratory of the University of Oxford (1973-74) and in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Medical Research Council of Cambridge University (1974-77). He also was Invited Professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1984. Presently he is Research Professor of the Spanish Research Council at the Centro de Biología Molecular, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain."

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Competición celular, apoptosis y cáncer

Análisis genético de la competición celular en mutantes Minute


Análisis en vivo de la muerte celular competitiva espontánea en la epidermis de Drosophila


Control metabólico de la homestasis y reparación tisular en Drosophila


La renovación de células epiteliales corrige distorsiones del desarrollo: un posible papel de la competición celular en la robustez de la morfogénesis



Tres tipos de competición celular: por recursos, comparación directa de aptitud y mecánica


Competición celular y el efecto Warburg


Cómo controla la vía JAK/STAT las interacciones competitivas entre células


La generación de la célula perdedora


Regulación de la muerte celular por IAPs y sus antagonistas


El papel de la apoptosis en competición celular y formación de tumores


Competición celular en el desarrollo de las células T
