Morfología craneofacial en el Pleistoceno Medio y el Origen de los Humanos


Dr. Stringer has worked at The Natural History Museum since 1973, and is now Research Leader in Human Origins and an FRS. His early research was on the relationship of Neanderthals and early modern humans in Europe, but through his work on the Recent African Origin theory of modern human origins, he now collaborates with archaeologists, dating specialists and geneticists in attempting to reconstruct the evolution of modern humans globally. He has excavated at sites in Britain and abroad, and is currently co-directing the Pathways to Ancient Britain project, funded by the Calleva Foundation. He has published over 200 papers and several books including The Origin of Our Species (2011) and Britain: One Million Years of the Human Story (2014, with Rob Dinnis).

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia La historia evolutiva de la cara humana

La cara del "Australipithecus" y el Origen del "Homo"


Módulos morfofuncionales en el cráneo y la evolución en mosaicos


Morfología craneofacial en el Pleistoceno Medio y el Origen de los Humanos


Evolución de la morfología facial moderna


Una historia de dos caras


Formando la cara humana: la influencia del medio ambiente y movimiento de poblaciones


Remodelación ósea: un mecanismo para evaluar la evolución del complejo craneofacial

Interpretación de las diferencias en capacidad funcional en humanos recientes
