Lisardo Boscá: Una nueva visita al metabolismo del macrófago: la reprogramación de su función y su uso en el diagnótico médico


L. Boscá (Valencia, 1957) is Senior Research Professor at the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and has been director of the Institute of Biochemistry (1999-2005; co-shared by CSIC and UCM) and of the Institute of Biomedical Research Alberto Sols, (2008-12; co-shared by CSIC and UAM). He has acted as NCP for the FP6, FP7 and CYTED, and responsible of the National Research Program in Biomedicine (2008-12) and of the Financing agency of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain; 2013-14). He is author of more than 200 original articles of research published in international journals in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology and immunology (J. Exp. Med; Nature Cell Biology, FASEB Journal, Gastroenterology, Blood, J. Clin. Invest., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA; J. Immunol; J. Biol. Chem; Hepatology, Biochem. J, Nature Medicine). He began his studies under the direction of Professor Alberto Sols investigating the effect of protein interactions in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Later he continued his post-doctoral training at Oxford University, Louvain Medical School, Cancer UK (London) and Ottawa studying the role of protein kinase C on energy metabolism in tumor cells. The current interest of the laboratory focuses on the study of the physiopathology of inflammatory processes investigating the contribution of inflammation to the onset of pathologies as diverse as myocarditis, septic shock, and to the liver regeneration processes. In this context, he studied the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, in particular nitric oxide, on the regulation of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy as well as in macrophage activation and in the heart after sepsis or myocardial ischemia/reperfusion, demonstrating its role in processes of remodeling of the extracellular matrix. He is a member of the National Royal Academy of Pharmacy and of several international scientific societies.

Ciencias de la vida y de la materia Siguiendo el camino de Alberto Sols: homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento

Carlos Gancedo: El largo camino desde las hexokinasas al metabolismo de aminoazúcares



Loranne Agius: Control metabólico de la expresión de genes hepáticos por antiguos y nuevos fármacos antihiperglicémicos


M. Celeste Simon: Estableciendo un equilibrio entre el crecimiento celular y la homeostasis


Lisardo Boscá: Una nueva visita al metabolismo del macrófago: la reprogramación de su función y su uso en el diagnótico médico


Emile van Schaftingen: Una enzima metabólica de reparación destruye dos subproductos tóxicos de la glicolisis en mamíferos


Ulla G Knaus: Especies reactivas de oxígeno: amigos o enemigos en la salud intestinal


Miguel A. Blázquez: El oxígeno como señal en el desarrollo de plantas


Fernando Moreno-Herrero: Biofísica de moléculas individuales: la comprensión una a una de las máquinas proteicas


Margarita Salas: Nuestro trabajo en el laboratorio de Sols en el CIB


Félix M. Goñi: Sols, el héroe acerca del que oí



Juan Antonio Vargas: Alberto Sols, su influencia en la Facultad de Medicina de la UAM


Federico Mayor Zaragoza: Alberto Sols, el futuro se inventa
